All chains Standing.
The 1-2 and the 1-2-3 cuts.
In learning the 32 three cut combos, you will learn somethings of the 2s.
Vertical Vertical LCross
Vertical Vertical RCross
Vertical LCross LSide
Vertical RCross RSide
LCross Vertical LCross
LCross Vertical RCross
RCross Vertical RCross
RCross Vertical LCross
LCross LCross Vertical
RCross RCross Vertical
LCross LCross LSide
RCross RCross RSide
LCross LSide LCross
RCross RSide RCross
LCross LSide LUpper
RCross RSide RUpper
LSide LCross Vertical
RSide RCross Vertical
RSide RSide RCross
LSide LSide LCross
LSide LSide LUpper
RSide RSide RUpper
LSide LCross LSide
RSide RCross RSide
LSide LUpper LSide
RSide RUpper RSide
LUpper LSide LCross
RUpper RSide RCross
LUpper LSide LUpper
RUpper RSide RUpper
LUpper LUpper LSide
RUpper RUpper RSide
Just thought this might help in learning the chains.
So the image basically tells you where you can 'go' after your initial cut(the letters in the brackets are the default movement keys used to trigger each cut). Lets say you start your chain with a Right Crosscut. Now you have 3 options(for less cases and easier explaining lets assume all of this is done in Red stance):
1. Repeat the right crosscut one more time.
-if you do this then you have successfully preformed a 1-2 combination and can move on to a 1-2-3 combination by either going one step up(vertical) or one step down(right sidecut) from your initial right crosscut.
2. Go one step up
-One step up from the right crosscut is the vertical cut. Once you do the vertical it becomes your new 'starting' position. Now you can either repeat the vertical or move one step to either side of it. (to the left crosscut or back to the right crosscut)
3. Go one step down
-If you go one step down you come to your right sidecut. From there you can again, either repeat the sidecut or move one step up or one step down from it. (to the right uppercut or back to the right crosscut)
Can only repeat the first cut of the chain. So the options of repeating the cut in step 2&3 are out.
If you start from the right uppercut you can not follow it with a vertical or jump over to the left uppercut. The same applies if you start with the left uppercut. Remember the one step rule!
DELAY Chains
Any combo of 2 cuts on the left or right can be followed by a delayed Right Upper Cut or a delayed Right Cross. The Right Upper is used in the examples below. The left side combo to right side are also called "Delay Crossovers". There are forty-two 1-2-Delay-3 combos.
Vertical Vertical (Recover) RUpper
Vertical LCross (Recover) RUpper
Vertical RCross (Recover) RUpper
LCross LCross (Recover) RUpper
RCross RCross (Recover) RUpper
LCross LSide (Recover) RUpper
RCross RSide (Recover) RUpper
LCross Vertical (Recover) RUpper
RCross Vertical (Recover) RUpper
LSide LSide (Recover) RUpper
RSide RSide (Recover) RUpper
LSide LCross (Recover) RUpper
RSide RCross (Recover) RUpper
LSide LSide (Recover) RUpper
RSide RSide (Recover) RUpper
LSide LUpper (recover) RUpper
RSide RUpper (recover) RUpper
LUpper LSide (recover) RUpper
RUpper RSide (recover) RUpper
LUpper LUpper (recover) RUpper
RUpper RUpper (recover) RUpper
Sunrise Exercise
Starting from the left to right, do all the combos.
1-Delay-2 Cut
Any left or right cut may be first, but for now use a right side cut (using the full windup). As recover do a delayed right side cut (no full windup).
This can also be done with a right cross cut or a right upper cut.
1-Delay-2-3 Cut
Any left or right cut, as recover do a delay right side cut (no full windup) followed by a normal right cross or right upper. This pattern works for any first cut (left or right).
This can also be done with a right cross or a right upper cut, following up with any cut normally chainable off said cuts.
(1) Any left or right cut , (2) follow with a delayed Right Side, Delayed Right Cross or Delayed Right Upper. If you use a Delayed Right Upper, then only a (3) Delayed Right cross can follow it. If you use a delayed Right Side or Delayed Right Cross, then these can be followed by (3) a delayed right cross or delayed right upper. The left cut-delay right- delay right" is also called a "Crossover Double Delay".